About Us

What Makes Us Different From The Rest

We test against the latest standard available: WCAG 2.2 AA. We do this because testing against this standard assures our clients are compliant with all current legislation and regulations regarding online accessibility. We have aligned our methods with the requirements put forth by the Department of Justice, prioritizing manual testing as the gold standard to verify a high level of access. Our core team includes professional testers, some of whom are native AT users, which means they live with a disability that requires them to use assistive technology to navigate the web. This approach allows us to build the web for the real disabled user.

Jason, April, and Justin standing behind a table with a banner that says "Perspective Tester".

Who We Are

Perspective Tester is made up of a passionate team of accessibility professionals. We are experts in the legal requirements at the state, federal, and international levels. We maintain relationships with a network of attorneys who specialize in defending accessibility lawsuits and we help our clients avoid the frivolous complaints that give our industry a bad name. We are advocates for an accessible digital world and all of our efforts are directed toward making that a reality for the 2 billion people around the world who need some level of support when accessing the web. Our team includes accessibility experts who are certified with the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), are native Assistive Technology users, or have proven themselves through years of experience to understand intrinsically the elements of accessibility.

Our senior-level programmers understand not only accessibility but the way it is achieved through the programming languages on which the web is built.

We provide dedicated account representatives for each project and make client satisfaction our primary goal. We share our ideas at industry events and maintain relationships with attorneys who specialize in accessibility compliance.

Meet Our Team

Jason McKee

Jason Mckee
Managing Director, CEO

Jason Mckee is the visionary, Managing Director, CEO, and Founder of Perspective Tester, an agency at the forefront of digital accessibility. With a fervent passion for creating an inclusive digital world, Jason has been an ardent Accessibility Advocate, pushing for transformative change in the digital space to ensure it’s welcoming for all. Under his leadership, Perspective Tester has become synonymous with excellence in accessibility consulting. Jason believes that an accessible internet is not a luxury, but a fundamental right.

April Davidson

April Davidson
Marketing Manager

April Davidson blends her expertise in social media with her passion for digital nomadism and rock climbing. As the Marketing Manager at Perspective Tester, April crafts innovative content that resonate with audiences across various platforms. Living with her blind partner, April understands first-hand the need for accessibility in all areas of life. Her experiences as a Rock Climber, Van-lifer, and the partner of a disabled person infuse her work with authenticity and passion. In the realm of social media, she’s an Influencer who understands the pulse of the digital landscape. At Perspective Tester, she’s dedicated to ensuring that the web is a place where everyone can connect and thrive.

Justin Sales

Justin Sales
Accounts Manager 

Justin Salas is not just an Accounts Manager at Perspective Tester; he’s a trailblazer in the world of accessibility and an inspiration to many. As a World Champion Paraclimber, Justin is also an advocate for individuals with disabilities. Despite being Blind/Low-vision, Justin’s determination and drive compel him in his mission for a more inclusive world. His dedication to the cause is evident in his work at Perspective Tester, where he ensures that accessibility is not an afterthought but a key aspect of every project. Justin’s adventures climbing and on the road van-lifing with his partner mirror his professional journey—both are driven by passion, determination, and a deep-seated belief that barriers are meant to be overcome. 

Bea and Ember

Bea, the enigmatic cat who marches to the beat of her own purr. With a disdain for the mundane and a penchant for the simple pleasures in life, Bea’s biography reads like a haiku—short, sweet, and to the point. Bea (short for “Biscuit Eater Anonymous,” though she’d never admit it) Likes: Two things—sleeping and eating. Anything else? Meh. Dislikes: The world. People. Other cats. Birds. Sunbeams. Mondays. You get the drift. Hobbies: Napping in sunspots and perfecting her “I’m too cool for this” stare. Life Philosophy: “Why bother when you can nap?”

Ember, April and Justin’s lovable Australian Shepherd, a bundle of joy and energy that lights up their life. Her intelligence and enthusiasm make her the perfect Co-worker and adventure dog! Whether she’s bounding alongside them on a rocky trail, hoping into the van for a long road trip, or accompanying them during a day at work, Ember brings a smile and a ray of sunshine wherever she goes.

Together, Bea and Ember are more than just pets; they are the backbone of the Perspective Tester team. Their unconditional love and unwavering support provide the comfort and motivation that fuel the hard work and dedication of the entire crew.